Check out this press release about Novae CEO's recent book Fintech is the Future!
Check out this press release about Novae CEO's recent book Fintech is the Future!
Don’t waste your time and money hiring a credit repair company to send generic disputes the 3 credit bureaus can legally reject. myNovaeDisputes helps you create far more effective disputes than any credit repair company. Because you send them yourself, the credit bureaus won't reject them. Easily create effective disputes for all 3 credit bureaus and manage your credit profile with myNovaeDisputes1.
PLEASE NOTE: Novae is not a credit repair company. Novae is a fintech company. We do not provide credit counseling or verbal guidance on what you should do with your personal credit situation. If you purchase myNovaeDisputes Manager, you are purchasing software, not service; utilizing A.I. technology to address items on your credit report.
myNovaeDisputes Manager is a self-directed software that a client uses to pull their credit reports and make decisions on how to address potential errors on their credit report. myNovaeDisputes Manager is not a credit repair service, myNovaeDisputes Manager is a personal credit software, used by a customer to address items on their own credit report.
1 - myNovaeDisputes Manager DOES NOT guarantee results of credit score increases for its users. This statement assumes you will correct errors on your credit using the software and sending the associated letters that you approve, downloaded from the AI software, to the credit bureaus.